Monday, April 4, 2011

Skype in PE Classes

Skype can be used in almost any classroom if used right. It can even be beneficial to Physical Education teachers.  The PE teachers can not only use it to conference with other teachers and administration but they can integrate it with the students as well.  Two classes could be in two different buildings, cities or even states and they could still interact and compete against one another.  The classes would play the same game or sport, and could compete against another class.  For instance in basketball, classes could have free throw shooting competitons against each other.  In football students could have throwing competitions.  Its another way to get the students to compete and have fun all while using technology.  The students would even make new friends and would get to compete and play with other students other than who is in their class. They not only benefit from the PE, but they also learn about technology as well.  A lot of students who might not interact as much in gym, might do so if teachers used this.  They would think its fun and would motivate them to interact more.

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